Akron OH | Holistic Medicine

Akron OH Holistic Medicine


Dunn Chiropractic
Dr. Randy Dunn
820 Canton Road
Akron Ohio    44312
(330) 733-1203
Acupuncture  is an increasingly accepted and valid form of
treatment for many types of pain and dysfunction in the body.
Here at Natural Health Center ,Dunn Chiropractic, Acupuncture
is a cornerstone of our philosophy regarding treatment and healing
and we know that many more people could be benefiting from
this remarkable and time-tested method

Brainwave  Entrainment

AM  iMusic Brainwave  Entrainment
Decades of research by scientists and users have made brainwave
entrainment a very popular method to improve Mental Performance.
Brain Sync recordings created by Kelly Howell have been clinically
tested with a record-breaking 95% success rate and are offered to
patients at America's most prestigious cancer treatment hospitals,
Memorial Sloan Kettering and Dana Farber.
After more than two decades of clinical research, Brain Sync is
revealing itself to be a great breakthrough in healing and mind


Frain Chiropractic
3235 Manchester Road
Akron, OH 44319
(330) 644-8704

McMillen Chiropractic Office
1155 East Waterloo Road
Akron Ohio   44306
Email  macdc@sssnet.com
(330) 724-2225
Our goal is to help patients get rid of their pain the quickest way
possible and back to their normal activities without the use of
drugs or surgery.

Minas Floros, DC
1419 South Arlington Street
Akron, OH 44306
(330) 773-3882

Freedman  Clinic of Chiropractic
Jeremiah E. Freedman, DC‎
3624 West Market Street #101
Fairlawn, OH 44333
Email  info@freedmanchiropractic.com
(330) 670-9400
Dr. Jeremiah practices a special form of chiropractic that doesn’t
just help you to feel better, but has a goal to get to the underlying
cause of the problem.


Ohio  Institute of  Medical Hypnosis
Daniel A. Zelling, M.D.
2850 W Market St # 100
Fairlawn, OH 44333
Email  OIMH@sbcglobal.net
(330) 867-6677
Hypnosis is a normal state of consciousness. Hypnosis can be
defined as concentrated and directed daydreaming. A person in
hypnosis  does not lose control.


National Institute of  Massotherapy
3681 Manchester Road
Akron Ohio    44319
Email  admissions@nim.edu
(330) 867-1996
Our mission to train high-quality bodyworkers, in a culture that
encourages the advancement of each individual in the school
community, requires both prominent professional standards and
a commitment to the success of each person.

Ariel Massotherapy
2106 Braewick Circle
Akron, OH 44313
Email  arielmasso@aol.com
(330) 836-4788
This is the website for the massage therapy, bodywork and energy
work practice and teaching of Bill Blocksom.


Summit Natural  Wellness Center
Dr. Parasson
1680 Akron Peninsula Road
Akron, OH 44313
Email  info@snwcenter.com
(330) 928-6685
Naturopathic  physicians are guided in their treatment decisions
by the idea that it is the nature of all things to return to balance;
it is the nature of organisms- plants, animals, people- to heal.


Mystik Pathways
Mary Winters
1723 Saddlewood Avenue
Akron Ohio   44313
(330) 631-3878
Reiki is a gentle "light touch healing method that works on all levels
…physical, emotional and spiritual. Clients usually experience a
deep sense of relaxation and peace as the Reiki  energy flows
through their body.


Web  Master SEO Consulting
Start with SEO Basic Training here. Everybody knows that SEO
is a moving target...
Content is King
Key Word Selection / Suggestion Tool
Page Title is important
Create a Privacy  Policy
Create Links (keyword, subject matter)
Submit your Web Site to Search Engines
Inward Links are Most Important
External Links
Promote your site on Facebook, Twitter, Stumbleupon


Yoga Bliss
3045 Smith Road #300
Fairlawn, OH 44333
Contact  info@yogablissakron.com
(330) 576-6687
We believe that yoga  is training for life; that the regular practice of
finding an edge in a safe, non-judgmental community of friends
prepares us to face the bumps in the road of life with humor and

Shortwall Retreats
West Market Street
Akron Ohio   44313
EMail  info@shortwallretreats.com
(330) 864-2909
Explore the Retreat Options that await you.

Yoga Lounge
1 Hudson Common Dr
Hudson, OH 44236
COntact   info@YogaLoungeHudson.com
(330) 653-3377
Yoga Lounge is about keeping it simple. It's a place where you go
to grow into your yoga practice. A place where your journey can
unfold freely without expectation or judgment. At Yoga Lounge,
you will be surrounded by friends.

Kent Yoga
14 South River Street #5
Kent, OH 44240
Info  yogaheidi@neo.rr.com
(330) 677-8169
Our studio grew out of a yoga community that began with Margot's
Tuesday night class in the mid-1980s and spread to other local venues.
Heidi began teaching in Kent and at Kent State in 1996 and we
became the Kent Yoga Teacher's Association.

Nirvana Yoga 
4183 West Streetsboro Road
Richfield, OH
Info  melissa@nirvanathruyoga.com
(330) 564-3773 ‎
Owner of Nirvana Yoga, Melissa R. Cugini has been a student of
yoga since 2004.  She began her practice when she and her husband
relocated out of state. She found that yoga provided much needed
stress relief as she adjusted to living in a new city. 

Namaste Yoga Studio & Shoppe
367 West Aurora Road
Northfield, OH 44067
Info  namaste2@windstream.net
(330) 908-0700
At Namaste Yoga Studio, we celebrate the ancient practice of
integrating the mind, body, breath, and spirit. The practice of
yoga helps deepen self-understanding, develops strength and
flexibility, and brings a sense of calm and balance to our hectic
fast paced lives. We offer classes and workshops to students
of all levels.

Daily Downward Dog Yoga 
Richfield, OH
Contact   info@mariamedia.net
(330) 289-7026
I don’t think I’ve ever done a yoga class without a few downward-
facing dogs thrown in. In fact, the downward dog is typically a pose
that is done many times throughout a class. It is a restorative pose
and one that strengthens and stretches almost every muscle in the
body, especially the back.

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