Montreal QC | Holistic Medicine
ACUPUNCTUREA1 Montreal AcupunctureMassage Therapy and Herbology Clinic Dr. Yi Ding 5025 Rue Sherbrooke Ouest #360 Westmount, QC H4A 1S9, Canada Info yinyang2000@hotmail.com (514) 488-2095 http://www.webtcm.com/acupuncture/acupuncture-general.htm According to acupuncture medical theory, the major pathological change in your body is abnormal state of Qi (Energy) and Blood, which is resulted from infections, injuries, negative emotions, poor lifestyle, genetic factors. etc. Acupuncture medicine is to correct the abnormal state through the stimulation of a distinct system called Meridians. CHIROPRACTORGreene Avenue Complementary HealthDr. Andrew Kerklaan Dr. Steve Tucker 1310 Avenue Greene #200 Westmount, QC H3Z 2B2, Canada Contact info@healthongreene.com (514) 932-1415 http://english.healthongreene.com/index.php?p=189610 We are an Integrative Health Clinic providing health services to Westmount, Montreal and the surrounding areas. Our professional team at Greene Avenue Complementary Health, including Chiropractors, Registered Massage Therapists, Acupuncturist and Naturopath offers expertise and treatment for many conditions including back pain, neck pain, headaches, migraines and sciatic conditions. In practice we strive for excellence through superior patient treatment, education and satisfaction. HYPNOSISHypnosis Depot c/o Westside Medical ClinicDr Knight 4260 Avenue Girouard #240 Montreal QC H4A 3C9, Canada Email drknight@hypnosisdepot.com (514) 827-4673 http://hypnosisdepot.com/kn-about.htm Do you have a question about self-hypnosis, hypnotherapy or therapeutic hypnosis? You'll find the answer here -- Zigman Sharon M Ed OPQ SQH Sharon Zigman M.Ed. 5501, boul Cavendish Cote-Saint-Luc, QC H4V 2R9, Canada Info sharon.zigman@mail.mcgill.ca (514) 485-6111 http://www.montrealhypnosis.com/ I am also experienced in doing hypnosis and find it can be very helpful for certain kinds of problems. Associationdes Hypnologues du Qu�bec (1977) 8206, rue Berri Montreal QC H2P 2E9, Canada EMail info@hypno-quebec.com (514) 939-3780 http://www.hypno-quebec.com/accueil.html Umbrella organization of professional practitioners of hypnosis techniques commonly called, hypnotherapy, which aims to promote its benefits to users and to enforce standards of conduct set by the code of ethics. MASSAGEStudio Elegance massage1710 Rue Saint-Denis Montreal, QC H2X 3K6, Canada Info info@elegancemassage.com (514) 840-0202 http://www.elegancemassage.com/site/girls.php Scandinave Les Bains Vieux-Montr�al 71 rue de la Commune Ouest Montr�al, QC H2Y 2C6, Canada Info emilie.mazet@scandinave.com (514) 288-2009 http://www.scandinave.com/fr/montreal/massages/ Rien de plus apaisant que de s'accorder une pause d�tente en commen�ant la journ�e, � l'heure du lunch ou entre deux r�unions d'affaires. L'hydroth�rapie est reconnue pour r�duire le stress, stimuler la cr�ativit� et contribue � recentrer les priorit�s. Massage At Work Inc. 1.888.SIT.RELAX Montreal, QC H2X 3H9, Canada Email info@massageatwork.com (416) 439-3993 http://www.massageatwork.com/aboutus.asp Massage At Work boosts productivity Massage At Work increase employee loyalty, motivation, morale Massage At Work reduces sick days, stress-related illness and repetitive use injuries. SEOWebMaster SEO Consulting1201 W Arbrook Boulevard Arlington , TX 76015 jd.2012@hushmail.com http://seobootcamp.devhub.com/blog/ Start with SEO Basic Training here. Everybody knows that SEO is a moving target... YOGAAshtanga Yoga Montreal118-372, rue Sainte-Catherine O Montreal QC H3B 1A2, Canada Email info@ashtangamontreal.com (514) 875-9642 http://www.ashtangamontreal.com/about-us.php Our studio offers daily Ashtanga flow yoga classes, morning Mysore practice, workshops with local and international teachers, acro-yoga fusion courses and Yoga Alliance certified teacher training programs. Come enjoy yoga with us in the heart of downtown Montreal! Centre Yoga Plus 372, rue Notre-Dame O Montreal, QC H2Y 1T9, Canada Contact info@centreyogaplus.com (514) 848-9301 http://www.centreyogaplus.com/ De nos jours, le travail intellectuel a progressivement supplant� le travail manuel. Or il a �t� d�montr� que l'activit� physique, bien effectu�e ,contribue de fa�on significative au bien-�tre corporel, mental et spirituel. Montreal QC | Holistic Medicine