Ottawa ON | Holistic Medicine
ACUPUNCTUREK. Vajarov's Naturopathic & Acupuncture ClinicKrassimir Vajarov 381 Kent Street Ottawa ON K2P 2A8, Canada Email info@eyesonhealth.com (613) 564-0009 When I began acupuncture treatments with Krassimir Vajarov I had no vision in my left eye and many numb areas on my body, as well as pins and needles in my legs and feet after short walks. Within several weeks of beginning treatments, my vision returned to normal. CHIROPRACTOROttawa ChiropractorRidgewood Ave Ottawa, ON K1V 6M8, Canada Info info@pcmt.ca (613) 321-4767 http://www.pcmt.ca/ HOMEOPATHICRenaissance Holistic HealthZosia Religa CT RN Hom 235 King Edward Avenue Ottawa, ON K1N 7L8, Canada Contact zosia@renaissanceholistic.com (613) 667-7777 http://www.renaissanceholistic.com/homeopathy.html Classical Homeopathy differs from traditional medicine in that it requires a complete picture of the patient from which the practitioner discerns subtle patterns that translate into a unique signature. This is a very personal 'key' that can unlock the healing potential of your own body. Pat Deacon RSHom HMC Homeopath 242 Cambridge Street North Ottawa, ON K1R7B2, Canada Email contactpat@patdeacon.com (613) 608-8484 http://www.patdeacon.com/treat.htm "For over 3 years my sinuses were totally plugged. I could only breath through my mouth. It came on mysteriously within a week. I used nose spray every day. Went to my doctor, got a cortisone spray but nothing cleared it up. Pat used a couple of remedies and the last one cured me totally!" R. Boerboom, Summerland BC HYPNOSISCanadian Hypnosis CentreAnthony Hallett CH 421 Richmond Road Ottawa, ON K2A 4H1, Canada Contact info@canadianhypnosiscentre.com (613) 592-6305 http://www.canadianhypnosiscentre.com/understanding.htm Originally a skeptic, he now has first hand appreciation for the power of hypnosis and it's ability to transform lives. His own life was transformed after eliminating 50 pounds and setting himself free of a 23 year old smoking habit by using the very same techniques he uses successfully to help other people succeed. MASSAGEOttawa Holistic Clinic125 Somerset Street West Ottawa ON K2P 0H7, Canada Contact OttawaHolisticClinic@gmail.com (613) 567-7675 http://holisticclinic.org/therapist_ottawa.html Specializing in muscle and joint pain, our intention at Ottawa Holistic Clinic is to provide eachclient with the utmost personal attention. Looking at the individual as a whole. Assisting in eliminating the current pathology, i.e.:muscle pain/injury, with the assistance of Orthotherapy, Massage Therapy(RMT), Kinesiology, Phytotherapy, Hydrotherapy, Aromatherapy and with the use of Herbal Remedies /Homeopathy to aid the physical, mental and emotional body regain its optimum well being. Ahau Connections Meditation & Massage Therapy dja Ahau 361 Churchill Ave North Ottawa ON K1Z5C4 ahauconnectionsadja@gmail.com 613-686-1172 Quantum Touch, Reiki, Massage and more. Visit and explore the website for details. Elgin Massage Therapy Clinic 167 Lisgar St Ottawa, ON K2P 0C3, Canada Contact info@elginmassagetherapy.com (613) 594-3655 Massage therapy is a drug-free approach to treating acute and chronic pain as well as stress related tension. Massage has a therapeutic effect on your body's systems, including muscular, circulatory and nervous and is beneficial in the management of many conditions. NATUROPATHICKandis Lock ND300 Preston St Ottawa, ON K1R 7R6, Canada Info drkandis@ottawanaturopathic.ca (613) 728-9100 http://www.kandislocknd.com/naturopathic-therapies.html Dr. Kandis works with patients to identify the underlying cause of disease and create individualized treatment plans to support the healing power of the body. She creates a dialogue with her patients, discusses treatment options, and ultimately helps them restore balance and wellness in their lives. PSYCHICPsychic Readings With Matthew Stapley & Tristan BrineMatthew Stapley matthew@transdimensionalbeing.com Tristan Brine tristan@transdimensionalbeing.com Judy Smith Reiki Master Kehowah@gmail.com 900 Dynes Rd Ottawa, ON K2C 3L6, Canada (613) 452-0093 YOGAMoksha Yoga Ottawa300 Preston Street Ottawa ON K1R 7R6, Canada Email info@mokshayogaottawa.com (613) 234-9642 http://ottawa.mokshayoga.ca/about/hot_yoga/ Moksha Yoga is a green, clean, hot yoga series that stretches, strengthens and tones the muscles while detoxifying the body and calming the mind. While all classes are rooted in the Moksha Yoga series, teachers are encouraged to bring their own unique knowledge and experience every time they enter the room to teach. If you're interested in how this sweaty community works, check out our 7 Pillars page to get a sense of what we stand for. Ottawa ON | Holistic Medicine