Polarity Therapy is an energetic healing modality introduced by Dr. Randolph Stone using universal concepts of Energy. Dr. Stone became a DO, DC and ND, as well as gaining certifications in massage and midwifery, before discovering, through a lifelong love and study of esoteric energetic arts that the Western medical model was missing a vital component ~ the Energy Body. In this beautiful work, the entire life of the client is considered, and the energetic resonance of this life is witnessed, honored and held. Dealing with much more than tissue, a polarity session addresses the full person, holding space for all of the facets of life and healing.
Yoga is an energetic healing art based on an ancient system of Self-awareness. Intending to unite body, mind and spirit (thus delving deeper into how these aspects of our Being react to the world within and without), the discipline invites each client to begin a study that includes philosophy, breathing practices, meditation, and movement.
is about making proper relationship between Self and Other. Highly recommended for yoga teachers, massage therapists (eligible for NCBTMB CEUs) and, frankly, everyone. Classes are part of the Polarity Therapy and Yoga trainings and are also offered as stand-alone classes.
is a component of nearly every Polarity Session, but can be requested as the main focus of a session, and has dedicated time in the Polarity Therapy trainings. Very gentle and subtle, this beautiful work is a complementary facet of Polarity.
offers guidance in nutritional cleansing and its relationship to creating space within and without.
classes offer guidance in various meditation techniques, addressing challenges as they arise.
guides each student through experiential element awareness (Ether, Air, Fire, Water & Earth). Knowing the elements, both conceptually and experientially, allows for fuller understanding, deeper interaction and greater Self awareness.
provides an experience in both Element Awareness and Conscious Communication. Whether through a private reading, a group or corporate event, or through ongoing classes, Tarot experiences are filled with wisdom and insight into the Self, and its relationship within and without. Available in person (Columbia, SC or Long Island, NY) or via Facetime/Skype.
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