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The suppression/expression cycle is caused from not wanting to feel your feelings.
When your state of mind is focused on thoughts of fear, blame, guilt, shame, regrets, anger, revenge, despair, self criticism, stress, you experience a sense of inner physical unease.
However,when you are focused on gratitude & thoughts of enthusiasm, joy, healthy self regard, caring, love, compassion, tolerance, satisfaction, calm and peace, your body, mind and spirit is infused with positive energy.
At high energy levels like these your brain actually secretes beneficial chemicals, known as neuropeptides & you experience a sense of wellbeing and inner calm.
EFT is fast, gentle and the most powerful technique that I have ever experienced.
Imagine what it would be like to take charge of your life and experience a state of being permeated by calm, confidence and a healthy self-esteem. Your actions and reactions to people and events that cross your life will be controlled by you rather than unbridled emotions.
EFT Emotional Freedom Technique
"I have used EFT on myself and family members for a variety of quick therapies from shoulder pain to headaches, nausea, and so on.This method is absolutely invaluable." El March, PhD
"EFT has helped my clients deal successfully with addictions, grief, fears, phobias, sexual abuse, performance issues, self-image and stress". Dr. Catherine Saltzman
I have gotten great results with EFT personally, and the results that my patients get are often nothing short of miraculous." Ray Mazon, D.O.M.
"In addition to several emotional issues, I have used EFT for impressive relief for many physical problems. The process is gentle and often provides benefits where other methods fail." Raul Vergini, MD Italy
"In my 50 years as a practicing psychiatrist, EFT has proven to be one of the most rapid and effective techniques I have ever used" Henry Altenberg, MD
"I have found EFT to be so useful that it has become the centerpiece of my practice. I have used it successfully on a long list of emotional issues. Interestingly when the emotional issues subside, physical ailments often enjoy simultaneous relief. I have seen this with the symptoms of fibromyalgia and MS as well as for swallowing problems, back pains, hemorrhoids, acidity, breathing problems, stomach pains, vaginitis, headaches, joint pains, and stomach problems." Sonia Novinsky,Ph D Brazil
"EFT has been for me the single most effective technique I have used in my 45 years of practice as a psychiatrist. I have had success with panic, social anxiety, and many other disorders." Curtis Steele, MD, Canada
"At our clinic we are presently using EFT to help our patients overcome negative emotions that undermine their health, and to eliminate many forms of pain…We also use it to reduce food cravings that can sabotage healthy eating programs, and to implement positive life goals to support optimal health and well being…EFT is now a major component of our treatment program." Dr. Joseph Mercola, D.D.O (
EFT Emotional Freedom Technique
EFT Emotional Freedom Technique
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